The formula to convert a linear velocity expressed in kilometres per hour [km/h] to an angular velocity expressed in revolutions per minute [rpm] is given by:
Here is an online converter from km/h to rpm.
To convert speed from kilometers per hour (km/h) to revolutions per minute (rpm), you need to know the circumference of the wheel or rotating object that the speed is associated with. Here's a step-by-step guide to perform the conversion:
Determine the Wheel Circumference:
Convert km/h to meters per minute (m/min):
Calculate the Revolutions per Minute (rpm):
Suppose you have a vehicle moving at 60 km/h with a wheel diameter of 0.7 meters. Let's convert this speed to rpm.
Calculate the wheel circumference:
Convert 60 km/h to meters per minute:
Calculate the RPM:
So, at 60 km/h, the wheels would be rotating at approximately 456 rpm.
If you want a general formula:
Convert km/h to m/min:
Use the formula for RPM:
This formula can be used for any given speed and wheel diameter.
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