639 is not a prime number.
A prime number has only two positive divisors: 1 and itself.
For 639, the positive divisors are :
- 1 is a divisor of 639 : 639/1=639
- 3 is a divisor of 639 : 639/3=213
- 9 is a divisor of 639 : 639/9=71
- 71 is a divisor of 639 : 639/71=9
- 213 is a divisor of 639 : 639/213=3
- 639 is a divisor of 639 : 639/639=1
Since 639 is divisible by 3, 9, 71 and 213, it has divisors other than 1 and itself.
Therefore, 639 is not a prime number.